Bosch Glitch 10: Final Judgment III

Opening Night

Enough time to get back to the hotel, chill, call home, and HAVE SOME OF THE GREATEST CURRY ON THE PLANET. I'd buy extra to bring home, except that the TSA Defenders of Freedom would almost certainly confiscate the jars as a terrorist threat. So, I just enjoy the moment. Bathing in curry. Wait, what? I mean eating. Eating curry rice on a plate with a fork. That's all. Hi. Yes.

At this point, there's no drama. Its all in the stage manager's hands, and she is capable as hell. There's nothing I can do. I had intended to watch from the booth even though I wasn't running the cues, just to watch, just in case. But a few minutes to curtain I realized my conceit: that was not my place. Even though I totally trust the stage manager to do everything right, it would've been a gesture of distrust on my part to stay in the booth. My job was done, it was time to let the show become whatever it would be.

It went of without a hitch. The performances were really strong, the projections went off perfectly, and the whole thing was enjoyable. Laughs in the right places, the audience engaged with the material. Afterwards, some folks stayed to talk and have a glass of wine to toast the show. The folks I talked to enjoyed the projections and thought they worked well, we'll see what the overall reaction is in the press. 

It looked a hell of a lot better in its final form that what I had been looking at on my studio monitors. The projectors themselves were very limited—the lamps were quite dim, the focus sort of soft. The result, however, was that the images that this beautiful velvety look, and they seemed to peek out of the darkness rather than looking like they were thrown onto a surface. I'm generally pleased, I thought the whole thing looked really good.

I'm wrapping this story up in the Atlanta airport, after several cancelled and delayed flights, creeping home inch by inch. I need to play some games with my boy, be at home, and sleep. I need to give my students the part of my brain that I loaned to this show.

I'm still thinking about whether I should have said yes to this gig. It was an adventure to be sure, but I'm not sure if it was worth the family toll it took, or the momentum it robbed from me for the first weeks of class.

On second thought, I'm not going to think about it. A friend called me for help and I helped. I looked at what seemed like an impossible job and my gut reaction was to do it. I have the most flexible and generous family in the world, and when I asked them if I could add this to my load, and they were 100% behind it. Second guessing past decisions is stupid.

My flight is delayed again, and the other guy sharing this power outlet REALLY NEEDS TO HAVE A LOUD AND EXTENSIVE CONVERSATION. That's as good a reason as any to close this out. Thanks for reading.


The Bosch Series


Bosch Glitch 9: Final Judgment II