Bosch Glitch 4: Death of the Reprobate

T-minus five days. I only had a few draft scenes ready to show, it was a pretty significant affair just finding high enough resolution images of Bosch's work from which I can pull characters.

Found out that the rear screen will not be 12' x 22', but actually 12' x 15'. That's quite a different aspect ratio, and I'll need to rebuild the compositions from the ground up, since instead of a long rectangle-shaped screen, it will actually be almost square.

Many of my cues are wrong, Iā€™m not sure why. My notes say that there is a sequence of deformed faces in judgment during scene 8, but that's not even close. We see those judges show up very early, in scene 2. Things might have changed and folks maybe forgot tell me.

Not a lot of time for major changes and corrections. Hope there are not many (any) more. I'm often wrong about that.


Bosch Glitch 5: Hell and the Flood


Bosch Glitch 3: Curio of Folly