Bosch Glitch 6: The Hermit Saint Returns

T-minus 2 days.

I finished advanced drafts of every scene and upped them to Dropbox to get notes. Everything looks good to me, but I wanted to get the final sign off so I can get to building the cues. Also, there's this moment Nic hinted at where lizards are supposed to skitter over the bed for a few seconds right at the end of a scene. I think it looks sort of odd, out of place with the other stuff.

They've been working like crazy in NYC, so I haven't gotten any notes yet. The word on the lizards is that there'll be time to address it when I get there. Heh. Why do I get a bad feeling about that? cough-fix-it-in-post-cough


Built the cues in Q-Lab. What a weird program. Typically I'd set up a show like this with Isadora or Max or VDMX, and then make the fine adjustments to timing and such right there as I perform. But the complication is that I'm not actually performing this in the same way that I usually do. I'm pre-building all the projections so that a technician can mash the spacebar at the exact moment of the cue and trigger the event. For that, you use Q-Lab, which is sort of a nifty app because it can trigger all aspects of a stage production. It can do very rough, ham-handed adjustments to scale and position, but it can't even come close to the precision that you get from a performance app like VDMX or Max. However, it's a lot simpler.

Every app I've used that is created by theater people takes a while to get used to. There are never any timelines, events are always depicted as "cues" and "events". So, loading a file into memory at 0% opacity is a cue, fading it up to 100% is a cue, fading it back out is another cue. Strange.

Two cue files, one for each projector. I'll load both cues and all the media onto both of the machines incase there are any changes of mind as to what shows on what screen. There are two computers (MacBook Pro laptops) because we couldn't get a hold of a MacPro that would have enough outputs to drive the projectors. There's one "solution" to this that some theater tech geeks bring up to me often: Matrox makes these boxes that act as a sort of video-out splitter/multiplier. They're awful.

Now I must prepare for class. That’s still a thing I have to do.


Bosch Glitch 7: The Epiphany Triptych


Bosch Glitch 5: Hell and the Flood