Very Small Horses

Very Small Horses: Visualizing Motion at the Nanoscale (2012) with Paul Weiss, in Leonardo Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (October 2012)

Paul Weiss and I wrote this article about animation problems at the nanoscale. It's one of my favorite things I've ever gotten to work on. Here's the link, and the citation:

Tarr, S., & Weiss, P. S. (2012). Very Small Horses: Visualizing Motion at the Nanoscale. Leonardo, 45(5), 439– 445. doi:10.1162/LEONa00441  

Abstract: The presentation of real- time data and animations can lead to new understanding and, in some cases, misunderstanding, of the phenomena represented. How can fundamental nanoscale structures, properties and responses be represented in data, motion and other forms? What are the keys to understanding, representing and sensing the nanoscale, and how do these differ from our intuition, which is based on our experience with macroscopic phenomena?


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